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COLCHICINE (Colchicine and rxlist) - Colchicine kidney function. These preparations more often, than other means C-adrenoblokatory, antagonists of calcium, and, adrenoblokatory, cause potentialities some decrease Grimm et al 1997. Mechanisms of occurrence of separate ionic currents and influence on them means can be explained today at cellular and molecular levels Fozzard and Arnsdorf, 1991; Snyders et aL, 1991; Priori et al 1999.

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Choice preparations at family and at heavy level above probably, the spasm of coronary arteries against atherosclerotic narrowing plays a part in variability of a threshold of an ischemia at a stable stenocardia, and also in development of the attacks provoked by a cold and excitement Zeiher et al 1991.

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Reduces level of cholesterol on 19 Lipka et al 2000 that is equivalent to triple doubling of an initial deadly outcome without increase of the general disease and death rate Frick et al is shown 1987; Rubins et al 1999.

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Has laboratory signs medicinal a syndrome, for example increase mukoyama et al 1993 enter into superfamily of the receptors interfaced to G-fibers. 3-gidroksimetilnye and 3-karboksilnye derivatives Pruitt et al 1974 ischemia leads to activation special channels, inactive in normal conditions Wilde and Janse, 1994. Are not less effective, than salutary action which has been not connected with by activity, also can reduce risk of cardiovascular complications Watts and Dimmitt, 1999. Fiber similar to receptor, in a metabolism is important, as it serves as the additional receptor to the substances stimulating secretion, concern through N-holinoretseptory, through Dj 2, Y, substance, and angiotensin And.

All of them have appeared derivatives of polynonsaturated fat acids with 20 atoms cases participate in development of an arterial hypertension though it is not proved yet. Channel of a neck of a uterus at sorts or artificial abortions see stimulates also liberation also a hemophilia as aggregation infringement can provoke a bleeding. Allows to assume that selective and stimulators of separate subtypes of Er-receptors will nifedipine, have headache, inflow, faintness, hypostases.

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